PimaOnline Educators' Conference

All About Our Conference

About the Conference

About. POEC is our annual conference for educators, staff and students across all modalities (online, hybrid, virtual or face-to-face).  We aim to lift up emerging, innovative practices and key considerations connected with web-enhanced or online teaching, design and student support.  At POEC, expect to find best-practice showcases, course-design highlights, and students telling us what matters to them! 

Learn more about POEC by watching our Conference Preview trailer. The design of the PimaOnline Educators' Conference has recognized by two national/global awards: the D2L Excellence Award and the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Accelerate Award. It was first launched in 2020.    

A Students-First Focus. Remembering that Pima Community College is a "students-first" college, POEC continues to prioritize proposals that speak directly to student needs - or that lift up student voices around effective teaching practices (e.g. as panelists).  

Learn more about POEC24

Who Can Attend POEC? 

POEC is currently an internal conference at Pima Community College designed and hosted by and for faculty, staff and administrators. Beyond faculty and staff presenters from Pima, POEC also features national keynote speakers and Pima student panelists.  

Pending capacity, we also invite guest colleges to join us as attendees. In past years, guest colleges have included the other PCC (Portland Community College), The State University of New York, the University of Arizona, Arizona State University, Northwestern Michigan College, Central Lakes College, Minnesota, and Pikes Peak State College.    

Our Live Online Conference Format

This annual conference takes place each mid-Fall and has been an entirely virtual conference taking place via D2L Brightspace, connected ALT tools, and Zoom (enabling high accessibility and Hollywood Square view of attendees). Historically, this three-day conference has taken place during regular work hours. 

If requested by a high number of registered attendees, we may shift to include morning or evening offerings. 

POEC News & Highlights

Our Focus So Far

As reflected in past years' schedules (POEC23, POEC22, POEC21, POEC20), we welcome proposals that advance highly effective teaching, design and support practices and address our conference themes. We are always excited to find proposals that share practices relevant across all disciplines.  Historically, POEC sessions have ranged across at least four major domains:

Archived Conference Sites


Screenshot of POEC23 HomePage
POEC22 Conference Landing Page

To learn about our inaugural two-day conference which took place Oct 8-9, 2020, log into your Pima Gmail and visit our POEC '20 archived Google Site to learn more about our presenters and sessions.