From Pedagogy to Practice:
Addressing Your Latest Goals
Setting Goals: Expanding Practice
What are your goals for the coming year when it comes to expanding your teaching and learning practices? To help consider and address this, here are connected resources organized by a few essential pedagogical questions.
How can we START the semester right?
Before class begins, and through the first weeks of class, what might you try to help you help your students get better connect with your course - and have clearer expectations so they are set up for success? What are Pima Students already saying they want more of in courses that you might address from day one? How can you build the warm and safe sense of community that is necessary for supporting collaborative inquiry?
How can we better COMMUNICATE with students?
How do you want to approach whole-class communciation and one-to-one dialog with your students? How might you get to know your students from the start - and throughout your course? What D2L or other edtech tools might you use?
Communicating with Students and D2L's Announcements tool
RSI (for online faculty)
Helping Student Stay On Track with DATES?
How does andragogy fit into your approach to teaching? How might you help students have clear expectations from the start, stay on track with their goals, and self-monitor their own learning pathway? What can you do within your syllabus and connected D2L course shell to help students keep track of your upcoming due dates - as well as those of their other classes? How might you support a college-wide approach to ensuring that students have clear, common calendar experience?
The Calendar and Schedule of Work: A Consistent Experience for Students
Notifications & Pulse: Helping your students utilize D2L Notifications and the Pulse App so that they can get the most out of D2L Dates.
Advanced: Bulk Offset Dates
Helping Students Track Their Progress & GRADES?
Do your students know how to check their grades (without having to ask you)? Do they read your personalized feedback? Do they apply it to future learning? Expanding on self-regulated learning, how might you better SUPPORT students' self-regulated learning or self-advocacy around academic learning (e.g. how to seek extensions or seek support)? What might you do to support help-seeking behaviors among your students? How might you help students set goals or self-assess, metacognitively, on their own growth?
How to Design Your Live Gradebook in D2L. Learn how to create a points or weighted (percents-based) gradebook so that students can directly assess their own progress (without having to ask).
Formative Assessment.
How can we better ENGAGE our students?
How might we move beyond straight lecture and passive learning xperiences toward active, meaningful, and truly engaging learning experiences for our students? What might you do to make all aspects of your class more active and engaging?
Video-Based Learning and Playposit or H5P
Office Hours, Conferring, and Virtual Office Hours
authored by Reed Dickson, 8/8/24