PimaOnline Educators' Conference 2025

Wednesday, Oct 29 - Friday, Oct 31, 2025.


POEC24 Schedule & Sessions (Archive)

POEC Background (Archive)

POEC Background (Archive)

POEC is our annual conference for educators, staff and students across all modalities (online, hybrid, virtual or face-to-face).  It aims to lift up emerging, innovative practices and key considerations connected with  web-enhanced or online teaching, design and student support.  At POEC, expect to find best-practice showcases, course-design highlights, and students telling us what matters to them!  Read more about POEC and watch our Conference Preview trailer. 

The design of the PimaOnline Educators' Conference has recognized by two national/global awards: the D2L Excellence Award and the Online Learning Consortium (OLC) Accelerate Award.  To learn more, visit our conference archives page. 

POEC24 Call For Proposals (Archive)

Priorities for the POEC24 Call for Proposals 

Closed: Aug 7, 2024.

This year, our conference theme is simply this: "What Matters Now?" In other words, POEC24 seeks proposals that compellingly address the question of what matters now for teaching, learning and design.  We seek whatever speaks to you and your students.  What might you want to share with your peers? Surprise us!  

Possibilities: Revisiting Past POEC Topics. If you're not sure what to focus on, you might revisit some of the topics previously addressed by presenters. As reflected in past years' schedules (POEC23, POEC22, POEC21, POEC20), we continue to welcome proposals that advance highly effective teaching, design and support practices.  POEC presentations have historically ranged across at least four major domains outlined at our main POEC page.

Who Can Submit for POEC24?  Pima Community College faculty and staff are invited to submit brief proposals using our Google form.  

How To Submit a Proposal for POEC24?  Using your Pima Gmail, use this linked Google Form to submit your proposal(s) through Wednesday, Aug 7, 2024 at midnight.  Remind your colleagues to submit their proposals!  Registration will also open that day.

Call for Proposals (CFP) PimaOnline Educators' Conference

POEC24 Registration (Archive)

Registration (closed on Monday, October 21st at midnight.)