Navbar Update Summer 2024

Exciting Navbar Update!

Activation Date: May 20th 2024 just in time for Summer courses. 

Try It Out Early: Curious about the new navbar? Test it in our sandbox environment! Simply request a shell and explore the changes firsthand (instructions).

Need Help or Have Questions? If you encounter any issues or have queries, please reach out to us here.

Screenshot of a learning management system interface, with navigation tabs for 'Course Home', 'Content', 'Syllabus', 'Grades', 'Calendar', 'Tools', 'Student Resources', and 'Help'. There's a menu dropdown under 'Student Resources' and 'Help'.

Why Are We Updating the Navbar?

 Highlights of the Navbar Update:

Learn more at All Faculty Day and through the TLC

 Highlights of the Navbar Update:

Learn more at All Faculty Day and through the TLC

Click here or see below for our video tour of the new navbar