Getting Started with Discussions

Instructors - Getting Started with Discussions

As an Instructor, how can you get started with Discussions?

Dec 19, 2019  • Knowledge

How to create a Discussion Forum

2. Select New > New Forum.

3. Fill in the necessary properties and any restrictions or options.

4. To complete the creation of the Forum, select:

Tutorial: How to Create a Discussion Topic

Alternatively, view in full-screen.

How to edit a Discussion Forum or Topic

2. Select the down arrow beside the forum or topic title > Select Edit Forum/Topic.

What is the difference between a Forum and a Topic?

How to delete a Discussion Forum or Topic

2. Select the down arrow beside the forum or topic title > Select Delete.

How to delete a post within a Discussion Topic

2. Select the Topic containing post to be deleted.

3. To delete a whole thread, select the down arrow beside the thread title > Select Delete Thread.